Summer Staff Support Program
Summer 2022
Each year Bayside partners with a team of over 80 staff and volunteers who join us as summer missionaries to share the love of God with each and every camper that comes down our lane. These dedicated youth sacrifice their time and finances to spend their summers at Bayside.
The goal of the Summer Staff Support Program is to raise both financial and spiritual support for our staff as they prepare to serve at Bayside. Staff are asked to join with Bayside to support the ministry by helping to raise support .
Staff will be required to submit a minimum of 8 names with mailing address but are able to give as many names as they wish. Please prayerfully consider members of your family, close friends and individuals from your church who may be interested in supporting you. Once you have decided on those you would like to ask collect their full mailing address or email to provide to the camp.
Camp will take on the responsibility of writing letters of support to your chosen names, communicating the mission of Bayside to reach children with the story of God’s love for them.
Donors will be receipted for their gifts to the SSSP in January 2023 along with all receipts issued by the camp.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Staff offered positions will be asked to promptly submit names with mailing addresses and are encouraged to reach out to their home congregation as well.
If you have any questions regarding the SSSP you may contact us at (902) 868-CAMP or staff@